The importance of Spanish language in Hospitality service in Dubrovnik How satisfied are Spanish tourists with Spanish language support?


According to Dubrovnik Tourist board, in last four years number of Spanish tourists coming to Dubrovnik has been increased, and it is still growing up. Since Dubrovnik is famous because of developed hospitality industry, that is not weird, and Spain is close to Dubrovnik as well. The purpose of this paper was to find out the level of satisfaction of Spanish tourists with Spanish language support in hospitality and tourism sector in Dubrovnik. The research method used for this paper was a survey. It was distributed to three hotels and fulfilled by 30 Spanish tourists. Lack of signs in Spanish language, poorly translated menus, low language skills of employees in hospitality industry in Dubrovnik are recognized as the weakest points by Spanish tourists. The importance of foreign languages when it comes to providing a service on a higher level is very important and crucial thing “to make a guest feel at home, hence draw more brand loyalty and larger cash flaws” (Torres & Kline, 2013). All these questions are discussed in detail in the results sectio

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