Influence of malting procedure on the quality of hulless barley malt


This paper investigated the influence of malting procedure on quality indicators of hulless (naked) barley malt according to the recommended values for standard pale malt. The aim was to determine the optimal malting procedure in order to achieve the best results for investigated indicators in relation to the recommended values. Two domestic hulless barley varieties (Matko and GZ-184) were malted and four malting procedures were applied: (A) standard procedure – control; (B) gently intensive procedure with uniform temperature increase during germination till the end of the process; (C) moderately intensive procedure with the increase of germination temperature on the second and third day, and constant germination temperature till the end of the process; (D) procedure with sudden germination temperature decrease after the first day, and constant temperature till the end of the process. The influence of four malting procedures on soluble N content in malt, total N and soluble N ratio (Kolbach index), Hartong number, friability, extract, fine/coarse difference, colour, boiled wort colour, pH, viscosity and filterability of wort, and β-glucans were investigated. Based on obtained results, and their comparison to results reported in scientific and technical literature, the efficacy of each micromalting procedure was evaluated, considering recommended values for hulless barley malt. The results indicate that the resistance to deeper modification of grain (expressed as lower water absorption during soaking grains, and as weaker friability) are the main problem that will need to be solved in the further selection processes of domestic hulless barley varieties for malting. The intensification of the process of germination should be combined with the extension of soaking time, which should lead to improvements of friability of malt and better value for other indicators of malt quality

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