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The crucial challenge experienced by the present executives is how to effectively manage and drive the multigenerational task force in today’s competitive and dynamic business world. For the very first time in the history, the current workforce consists of all the different generations in various role of the organisation (Zeneke et al 2000) .These cohorts cling to different workplace values (Lyons et al,2007), personalities (Twenge and Campbell,2008),expectations towards work preferences(Twenge 2010).Employees of different generations are rooted with uneven expectations (what they value) in terms of opportunities for growth and advancement; learning and sharing; rewards and recognition; autonomy and formal relationship ;professional involvement and commitment; concern towards customers and society ; affinity towards technology and adaptability to change .Effectively managing these variations among the different generation cohort will result in higher efficiency, employee productivity and innovation (Kupperschmidt 2000,Koyan 2007).Obviously the other side is reflected by, improper coordination and inefficiency in employee productivity due to misunderstandings and miscommunications ,(Fyock 1990) .Previous literature (Turkiewicz 2000,Bradford 1993,Adams 2000) reports that due to the post industrial development along with drastic changes in the information technology Gen X and Gen Y are equipped with technology enabled skills that Baby Boomers lack. In spite of which all the three generations compete for resources and positions (Raines 1997). Academics and researchers have focused publications to educate HR executives to adopt to the requirements of the demands of the present Gen X and Gen Y employees(Alsop,2008;Gorman et al.,2004;Hershalter and Epstein,2010) .Failure to cope with the change have resulted in unprofitable practices leading to employee issues such as increased attrition rate, employee disengagement and so on(Hurst and Good,2009) Hence, the need of the hour for the executives is to effectively manage this diversified task force to cut an edge in the present competitive business world. Previous research in the field of workplace values have focused on advertising personnel, business school professors, CPA’s ,manufacturing, hospitality and insurance sectors .The objective of the present research is to explore the variations in workplace values held by the employees in Public and Private Banks representing different generational cohorts in Indian scenario . Hence our research evidence might encourage employers to titivate their HR systems to be able to effectively attract, engage and retain their best talents. An overview of the various generational cohorts and their workplace values are explained followed by an empirical analysis. The successive parts highlight the result and discussions

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