
A new tribe, genus, and species of limnichid beetle, Wooldridge us perforatus, from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Limnichidae: W ooldridgeini)


A new tribe is established in the Limnichidae, Limnichinae, for a new genus and species, Wooldridge us perforatus, from Sabah, Malaysia. Two autapomorphic characters distinguish Wooldridgeini from the two other tribes ofthe subfamily Limnichinae; 1) the mesotarsus and metatarsus join their respective tibia ventrally (medially) and preapically instead of the usual apical only connection and 2) a large pore, presumed to be an opening of a prothoracic gland, is present on each hypomeron. Distinguishing characters are illustrated by scanning electron micrographs and line drawings. A key to the three tribes included in the Limnichinae is provided

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