Biology, morphology and anatomy of aphidophagous syrphid larvae


The paper deals with the biology, morphology and anatomy of seven species of syrphid larvae viz. Syrphus luniger Meig., S. balteatus De Greer, S. ribesii Linne, Catabomba pyrastri Linne, Sphaerophoriae flavicauda Zett., Sph. scripta Linne, and Platychirus scutatus Meig. The habitat, mode of progression, aphidophagous habits and characteristic coloration are described for each species. It is shown that the larvae of aIl the above species, like larvae of other cyclorrhaphous Diptera, definitely pass through three stages separated by two moults. The mode of dehiscence of the puparium is described briefly. Each of the species, except Catabomba pyrustri, has three generations in the breeding season which lasts from May to October. Platychirus scutatus hibernates only in the larval stage, but the other species may be found in both the larval and pupal stages during the winter. The larvae of all the above species, except syrplzus balteatus, are commonly parasitized by ichneumonid larvae. The morphology of the egg, the three larval stages and the puparium of S. luniger is described in detail. The characters common to the third stage larvae of all the species deaIt with are summarized and short descriptions of the third stagelarvae andpuparia of the individual species are given. The general appearance of the living larvae and details of the buccopharyngeal armature, spiracles and puparia of each of the species is represented in figures. In connexion with the pupae a number of new structures are described arid it is suggested that some of them are concerned with the formation of the characteristic shape of the puparium and with the dehiscence of the puparium. Internal pupal spiracles are present in all the species dealt; with, but external pupal spiracles are present only in Platychirus scutatus. The anatomy of P. scutatus is described and figured, an account being given of all the structures except the musculature of the body wall. Study of the anatomy affords evidence as to the carnivorons mode of Iife of the larvae and also indicates that tho larvae have evolved from aquatic forms. The comparative morphology of the Syrphinae is discussed with respect to the relationship of the Syrphinae to other Aschiza aiid to the cyclorrhaphous Diptera

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