Speech controlled environmental control system: Bio-Remote for the physically challenged based on candidate word discriminations


研究成果の概要(和文):本研究では,誤認識に基づく音声操作型環境制御装置:Bio-Remoteを開発するとともに,行動の予測モデルに基づく操作支援を実現した.そして,肢体不自由者の自立生活を支援するためにBio-Remoteシステムを応用したロボットマニピュレータ制御および衝突回避機能を有する移動型ロボットについて検討を行った.研究成果の概要(英文):This study proposed a speech controlled environmental control system (ECS): Bio-Remote (BR) based on candidate word discriminations and realized operation assistance using a Bayesian network-based prediction model. In order to maintain an independent life for the physically challenged, this study also proposed robotic manipulator control based on the BR, and obstacle avoidance method for mobile robots

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