
Heading for 20 Years of Quasi-Global Precipitation with the New Version 06 IMERG


The U.S. Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) science team is developing a long-term dataset based on intercalibrated estimates from the international constellation of precipitation-relevant satellites and other data. The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) merged precipitation product (IMERG) is computed at the half hour, 0.1 x 0.1 resolution globally in three "Runs"Early, Late, and Final (4 hours, 14 hours, and 3.5 months after observation time, respectively). GPM is well into computing the new Version 06, which will be the first time IMERG covers the last two decades and routinely provides morphed estimates in polar regions where the surface is snow- and ice-free.A few salient features of the IMERG algorithm will be summarized, then representative examples of IMERG products will be shown. This starts with basic results, such as animations of maps, then extends to preliminary analyses of dataset characteristics. For example, the diurnal cycle demonstrates improvements over V05

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