A exclusão do fluxo de informação como efeito do assédio moral


Moral bullying is characterized by the repetition of humiliations aimed at a victim who ends up isolated at workplace, it is usually practiced with the conscience and consent of the group. In the business context, cases of moral bullying cause human and financial damage, since the individual who suffers from this harm and participates less in the information flow. This is of must to being excluded and by the development of psychological barriers. Thus, the information is not shared by the fear that one has of workmates or superiors to go with violence and disrespect. The aim of the research is to investigate the effects of bullying on the information flow from the literature available in the Brapci (Periodic Information Database). The research is justified because that companies rely on people who contribute to information flows, and that their exclusion produces important gaps and delays in the production of information. In a search in Google Scholar, including terms in Spanish, two scientific works were found (a thesis of master program and other from doctorate program) with thematic proximity to the purpose of the present research, one of Yokoyama (2005) and another one of Hermosilla (2009). Other searches were carried out at Brapci, with selected papers based on thematic proximity, which were subdivided into topics: harassment, barriers and information flows. After reading of the scientific works, it was noticed that the efforts of the Information Science in understanding the information flows and their barriers, remain limited to more formal elements, without the proper identification of social, cultural and psychological processes that can generate absence of sharing of information. In this sense, it seems to remain in the formalization of actions and tasks on the functioning and determination of those responsible for the flow of information, it necessitates a specific understanding about the effects of bullying on the exclusion of individuals

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