Ensino com pesquisa: uma realidade nos cursos de Biblioteconomia do Estado de São Paulo?


Related to scientific collaboration between professors and students of Library Science courses in the state of São Paulo, aiming to ensure that teaching is linked to reasearch. Started from the assumption that is fundamental that undergraduate studentes are included in scientific research and are inserted in the production and scientific comunication in the area, and also to ensure the formation of professionals capable of thinking about the duties, the work environment and available knowlage. The research has an exploratory and descriptive profile, analyzed 3164 bibliographic productions from 116 active professors in 8 courses from 2010 to 2016. Results confim the assumption and show that 88.7% of publications with collaborations professor-student are from works of course completion. The results also shows the importance of interships, curricular and extracurricular activities, to be followed by Professors and to lead them to a reflection about pratices and knowlage share in the events of the area

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