Biblioteca e recursos audiovisuais: o uso da classificação para a representação de diferentes domínios


During the classifying exercise it is necessary to analyze the domain to which the object belongs, for, considering the perspective that the classification is constructed, the specific identification of a subject allows triggering other important identifications for the communication of knowledge. Thus, this re-search is justified by demonstrating the importance of understanding the infor-mational need of a specific de-terminated domain and, thus, representing it. The domain listed for data analysis and demonstration of such representation is that of audiovisual resources. Considering the existence of libraries that incorporate audiovisual materials in their collection, the informational treatment carried out for their representation is questioned. From the analysis of 10 articles, from a selection of 30 with the theme of audiovisual re-courses directed to libraries, the diversity of materials used as an educational resource was perceived. However, even though the papers discuss how the types of audiovisual materials are set up in an institution, little is known about their organization and classification in the collection. It was concluded, therefore, that there are several classifications used by libraries for the organization of audiovisual materials, but in many cases there is no specific demonstration of their process; which emphasizes the im-portance of the study in this area

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