
Comment to 'The Dependence of the anomalous J / psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons'


The recently published experimental dependence of the J/psi suppression pattern in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS on the energy of zero degree calorimeter EZDC are analyzed. It is found that the data obtained within the minimum bias analysis (using theoretical Drell-Yan ) are at variance with the previously published experimental dependence of the same quantity on the transversal energy of neutral hadrons ET . The discrepancy is related to the moderate centrality region: 100 << Np << 200 (Np is the number of nucleon participants). This could result from systematic experimental errors in the minimum bias sample. A possible source of the errors may be contamination of the minimum bias sample by o -target interactions. The data obtained within the standard analysis (using measured Drell-Yan multiplicity) are found to be much less sensitive to the contamination

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