Computing a largest empty anchored cylinder, and related problems


Let SS be a set of nn points in RdR^d, and let each point pp of SS have a positive weight w(p)w(p). We consider the problem of computing a ray RR emanating from the origin (resp.\ a line ll through the origin) such that minpSw(p)d(p,R)\min_{p\in S} w(p) \cdot d(p,R) (resp. minpSw(p)d(p,l)\min_{p\in S} w(p) \cdot d(p,l)) is maximal. If all weights are one, this corresponds to computing a silo emanating from the origin (resp.\ a cylinder whose axis contains the origin) that does not contain any point of SS and whose radius is maximal. For d=2d=2, we show how to solve these problems in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time, which is optimal in the algebraic computation tree model. For d=3d=3, we give algorithms that are based on the parametric search technique and run in O(nlog5n)O(n \log^5 n) time. The previous best known algorithms for these three-dimensional problems had almost quadratic running time. In the final part of the paper, we consider some related problem

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