Changes of Aerobic Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Children over Two Years


This study examined the relationship between two-year changes of aerobic fitness and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in children. Baseline and follow-up data were obtained from 120 children, the CHIC III Study. Aerobic fitness was estimated using a multistage submaximal test on the cycle ergometer. Six CVD risk factors were measured, and combined by using standardized z-score, CVD composite score. As a result, there was a trend of increasing CVD composite scores over two years (p<0.001). Despite the general trend, changes in CVD composite score were inversely related with changes in aerobic fitness (r=-0.24; p=0.008). BMI was the greatest contributor to the CVD composite change score (partial R2=0.38; p<0.001). In conclusion, since aerobic fitness is significantly related with CVD composite score, and since moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can increase fitness while reducing fat mass, children should be encouraged to participate in moderate-to-vigorous physical activities

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