
Approximate Range Emptiness in Constant Time and Optimal Space


This paper studies the \emph{ε\varepsilon-approximate range emptiness} problem, where the task is to represent a set SS of nn points from {0,,U1}\{0,\ldots,U-1\} and answer emptiness queries of the form "[a;b]S[a ; b]\cap S \neq \emptyset ?" with a probability of \emph{false positives} allowed. This generalizes the functionality of \emph{Bloom filters} from single point queries to any interval length LL. Setting the false positive rate to ε/L\varepsilon/L and performing LL queries, Bloom filters yield a solution to this problem with space O(nlg(L/ε))O(n \lg(L/\varepsilon)) bits, false positive probability bounded by ε\varepsilon for intervals of length up to LL, using query time O(Llg(L/ε))O(L \lg(L/\varepsilon)). Our first contribution is to show that the space/error trade-off cannot be improved asymptotically: Any data structure for answering approximate range emptiness queries on intervals of length up to LL with false positive probability ε\varepsilon, must use space Ω(nlg(L/ε))O(n)\Omega(n \lg(L/\varepsilon)) - O(n) bits. On the positive side we show that the query time can be improved greatly, to constant time, while matching our space lower bound up to a lower order additive term. This result is achieved through a succinct data structure for (non-approximate 1d) range emptiness/reporting queries, which may be of independent interest

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