
The telomeric dG(GT)4G sequence can adopt a parallel-stranded double helical conformation


Oligonucleotides 3'-d(GTGTGTGTGG)-L-d(GGTGTGTGTG)-3' (hp-GT) and 3'-d(G44SG4STG4STG4STGG)-L-d(GGTGTGTGTG)-3' (hp-SGT), (L=(CH2CH2O)3), were shown by use of several optical techniques to form a novel parallel-stranded (ps) intramolecular double helix with purine-purine and pyrimidine-pyrimidine base pairing. The rotational relaxation time of hp-GT was similar to that of a 10-bp reference duplex, and the fraction of unpaired bases was determined to be ~7%, testifying to the formation of an intramolecular double helical hairpin by the sequence under the given experimental conditions. A quasi-two-state mode of ps-double helix formation was validated, yielding a helix-coil transition enthalpy of -135±5 kJ/mol. The G·G and T·T (or 4ST ·T) base pair configurations and conformational parameters of the double helix were derived with molecular modeling by force field techniques. Repetitive d(GT) sequences are abundant in telomers of different genomes and in the regulatory regions of genes. Thus, the observed conformational potential of the repetitive d(GT) sequence may be of importance in the regulation of cell processes

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