Homeschoolers and the Mebane Public Library: a case study


This research describes the results of a study of homeschool administrators (i.e., parents) in Alamance County and Orange County, North Carolina and their use of the Mebane Public Library. A survey was conducted to determine if the programming and library collections available to homeschooling parents meet their curriculum needs. As this alternative form of education has gained popularity, many public libraries have seen an increase in the number of homeschoolers that use their facilities. Among the suggestions made by librarians experienced in this area are programming opportunities for homeschoolers as well as a well-rounded collection consisting of a variety of formats. Homeschoolers using the Mebane Public Library feel that enough programming is offered to meet their curriculum needs despite the fact that their attendance of these programs is very low. Suggestions for future programming were made. In general, homeschooling parents find that the Mebane Public Library's collection meets their needs, with additional materials available elsewhere in the systems as well as through Interlibrary Loan

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