Evaluation of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Tele-Town Hall on Colorectal Cancer Screenings


The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable with the American Association of Retired People collaborated on a health intervention program to increase knowledge and intention in colorectal cancer screening. The program included three educational communication activities with a target population that included respondents from four states (Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, and Nebraska) whom were 65 – 74 years of age and had less than a college education. This population was specifically chosen because they have a high rate of colorectal cancer and specifically have a higher rate of late stage colorectal cancer diagnosis. The first component of the educational program was a Tele-Town Hall educational telephone session with a target population of 100,000 and an expected response rate of 10%. A mailing of educational materials from the Centers for Disease Control and American Cancer Society followed. And then a Post-Event survey telephone call was placed to the 10,000 respondents to the Tele-Town Hall. The expected response rate for the Post-Event survey was again 10% or 1,000 participants. The program will evaluate the knowledge of colorectal cancer and intention for colorectal screenings in a One-Group Pretest – Post-test Design. This document outlines the program, the intervention and the evaluation process and does include some preliminary results. Final results will be reported in June 2011 after all data is received and analyzed on the Tele-Town Hall (March 16, 2011) and Post-Event Survey (April 6, 2011).Master of Public Healt

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