Descending G-equivariant Line Bundles to GIT Quotients


In part one, we consider descent of line bundles to GIT quotients of products of flag varieties. Let GG be a simple, connected, algebraic group over mathbbCmathbb{C}, BB a Borel subgroup, and TsubsetBT subset B a maximal torus. Consider the diagonal action of GG on the projective variety (G/B)3=G/BtimesG/BtimesG/B(G/B)^3 = G/B times G/B times G/B. For any triple (chi1,chi2,chi3)(chi_1, chi_2, chi_3) of regular characters there is a GG-equivariant line bundle mathcalLmathcal{L} on (G/B)3(G/B)^3. Then, mathcalLmathcal{L} is said to descend to the GIT quotient pi:[(G/B)3(mathcalL)]ssrightarrow(G/B)3(mathcalL)//Gpi:[(G/B)^3(mathcal{L})]^{ss} rightarrow (G/B)^3(mathcal{L})//G if there exists a line bundle hatmathcalLhat{mathcal{L}} on (G/B)3(mathcalL)//G(G/B)^3(mathcal{L})//G such that mathcalLmid[(G/B)3(mathcalL)]sscongpihatmathcalLmathcal{L}mid_{[(G/B)^3(mathcal{L})]^{ss}} cong pi^*hat{mathcal{L}}. Let QQ be the root lattice, LambdaLambda the weight lattice, and dd the least common multiple of the coefficients of the highest root thetatheta of mathfrakgmathfrak{g} , the Lie algebra of GG, written in terms of simple roots. We show that mathcalLmathcal{L} descends if chi1,chi2,chi3indLambdachi_1, chi_2, chi_3 in d Lambda and chi1+chi2+chi3inGammachi_1 + chi_2 + chi_3 in Gamma, where GammaGamma is the intersection over root lattices QmathfraksQ_mathfrak{s} of all semisimple Lie subalgebras mathfrakssubsetmathfrakgmathfrak{s} subset mathfrak{g} of maximal rank. Moreover, we show that mathcalLmathcal{L} never descends if chi1+chi2+chi3notinQchi_1 + chi_2 + chi_3 notin Q. In part two, we discuss joint work with Shrawan Kumar. Let mathfrakgmathfrak{g} be any simple Lie algebra over mathbbCmathbb{C}. Recall that there exists a principal TDS embedding of mathfraksl2mathfrak{sl}_2 into mathfrakgmathfrak{g} passing through a principal nilpotent element of mathfrakgmathfrak{g}. Moreover, wedge(mathfrakg)mathfrakgwedge (mathfrak{g}^*)^mathfrak{g} is generated by primitive elements omega1,dots,omegaellomega_1, dots, omega_ell, where ellell is the rank of mathfrakgmathfrak{g}. N. Hitchin conjectured that for any primitive element omegainwedged(mathfrakg)mathfrakgomega in wedge^d (mathfrak{g}^*)^mathfrak{g}, there exists an irreducible mathfraksl2mathfrak{sl}_2-submodule VomegasubsetmathfrakgV_omega subset mathfrak{g} of dimension dd such that omegaomega is non-zero on the line wedged(Vomega)wedge^d (V_omega). We prove that the validity of this conjecture for simple simply-laced Lie algebras implies its validity for any simple Lie algebra. Let GG be a connected, simply-connected, simple, simply-laced algebraic group and let sigmasigma be a diagram automorphism of GG with fixed subgroup KK. Then, we show that the restriction map R(G)toR(K)R(G) to R(K) is surjective, where RR denotes the representation ring over mathbbZmathbb{Z}. As a corollary, we show that the restriction map in the singular cohomology H(G)toH(K)H^*(G)to H^*(K) is surjective. Our proof of the reduction of Hitchin's conjecture to the simply-laced case relies on this cohomological surjectivity.Doctor of Philosoph

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