Multiple lenses of aesthetic response: José Sanchis Sinisterra's El lector por horas


José Sanchis Sinisterra's play El lector por horas takes the traditional concept of the reader-text relationship within a drama beyond its conventional boundaries through the use of fragmentation and escritura del hueco, or the practice of incorporating only small fragments of another author's text within his own play in order to mold the other text to fit his own devices. By doing so he is refracting the customarily accepted notion that the reader-text relationship is one-on-one. Instead, he filters his borrowed texts through a series of lenses, thereby redirecting them and assigning new meaning. Thus he allows them to appropriately work within his drama. The result is to endow his audience with multiple refractions of the original texts used within the play, thereby redefining the relationship between a text and its receptor. Sanchis has created a fresh perception of the conventional process of reading

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