Tumor Microenvironment RNA Expression Analysis in Human Xenograft Mice


While genomic analysis of tumor cells is a mainstay in cancer research, there is growing interest in the characterization of the tumor microenvironment, comprised of nearby healthy somatic cells, most notably fibroblasts and invading immune cells. Studying the RNA expression profile of the tumor microenvironment provides a way to analyze local response to tumor growth and ultimately to better characterize bodily response to different stages or genetic subsets of cancer. The purpose of this research was to develop a tool that efficiently separates tumor sequence data from human xenograft mice (mice with genetically human tumors) into separate microenvironment and tumor expression profiles. While this separation was previously done by physically excising healthy tissue under a microscope using laser capture microdissection, performing this separation in silico allows for rapid analysis of hundreds of samples. Further, using this tool, we can re-examine tumor expression profiles after filtering out ‘contaminating’ microenvironment sequence, resulting in a more accurate RNA expression profile.Bachelor of Scienc

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