Best of Both Worlds: Merging 360˚ Image Capture with 3D Reconstructed Environments for Improved Immersion in Virtual Reality


With the recent proliferation of high-quality 360° photos and video, consumers of virtual reality (VR) media have come to expect photorealistic immersive content. Most 360° VR content, however, is captured with monoscopic camera rigs and inherently fails to provide users with a sense of 3D depth and 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) mobility. As a result, the medium is significantly limited in its immersive quality. This thesis aims to demonstrate how content creators can further bridge the gap between 360° content and fully immersive real-world VR simulations. We attempt to design a method that combines monoscopic 360° image capture with 3D reconstruction -- taking advantage of the best qualities of both technologies while only using consumer-grade equipment. By mapping the texture from panoramic 360° images to the 3D geometry of a scene, this system significantly improves the photo-realism of 3D reconstructed spaces at specific points of interest in a virtual environment. The technical hurdles faced during the course of this research work, and areas of further work needed to perfect the system, are discussed in detail. Once perfected, a user of the system should be able to simultaneously appreciate visual detail in 360-degrees while experiencing full mobility, i.e., to move around within the immersed scene.Bachelor of Art

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