Introduction; An Overview: Energy and Policy


Includes an introduction to the theme of the journal issue and an overview of the problem. Introduction: This issue of Carolina planning focuses on energy. The magazine's coverage includes a number of policy alternatives pertinent to state, local, and national decision-makers in their deliberation over the energy problem. To provide some background information, the periodical begins with a short look at energy patterns and the institutional arrangements presently existing in North Carolina to manage resources. Next, an article and comment discusses national and state strategies for combatting a future petroleum crisis like the 1973 Arab oil embargo. Then, the benefits of a peak load pricing scheme are explained and proposed for North Carolina utilities. Following, are three articles on two widely discussed alternative energy forms: the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor and solar energy. The magazine concludes with an elaboration on energy conservation and the special role local governments might play in the effort. This collection, we feel, provides a broadly-based, yet in-depth assessment of important aspects of the state's and nation's energy problems, from the point of view of the planner, government official, and citizen. An Overview: Over the past three decades, North Carolina, like the rest of the nation, has seen a spectacular rise in the consumption of energy. What are the major forms of energy use in North Carolina? Basically, the state's power comes from four sources: electricity (which is generated from coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, and fuel oil power), natural gas, gasoline, and fuel oil. How do the trends for each source measure up, and what plans are being made for management of the state's energy resources? The following description presents a brief overview of the existing situation, in terms of demand and supply of existing resources, and their management, in order to provide background information for this energy issue

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