Plain language review of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


This review provides an overview of key information on diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. The review focuses mostly on type 2 diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people because type 2 diabetes is responsible for the majority of cases of diabetes in this population. However, the review also refers to type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes where information is available. It provides a historical, social and cultural background to the development of diabetes, and the behavioural and medical factors that contribute to diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It provides information on the levels of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other diseases and conditions that are caused or triggered by diabetes. This information includes data on: incidence (the number of new cases) and prevalence (the number of existing cases) how many people are hospitalised, die or are disabled because of diabetes. Issues of prevention and management of diabetes are discussed, and the review provides information on programs, services, policies and strategies relating to diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This review draws mostly on journal publications, government reports, national data collections and national surveys. Most of these can be accessed through the HealthInfoNet\u27s Australian Indigenous HealthBibliography

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