遊離砥粒を用いた金型用冷却水管の表面改質: 砥粒流れの可視化による研磨機構の考察


金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系ダイカスト金型用の冷却水管内に遊離砥粒を流動させることで水管内面を研磨しツールマークを除去する方法を提案する.金型内部の循環型冷却水管に対して,砥粒充填率,流入圧力,水管径を変化させた時の研磨特性を調べた結果を報告する.また,内面加工をすることによる耐腐食性を評価する.さらに,流れの可視化を行い,水管内での砥粒の動きを観察し,研磨特性を考察する.This paper deals with the surface modification of cooling channels in die casting dies with free abrasive grains. When the internal pressure is loaded to the hydraulic cylinder, the solution containing the free abrasive grains is passed through the cooling channel. The internal face is then finished by the free abrasive grains. The influences of various conditions on finishing characteristics, such as channel diameter and internal pressure, are experimentally investigated. Free abrasive grains flowing in the cooling channel is observed using high speed camera. It was measured the grains velocity, using the videos taken by the high speed camera. It was discussed the finishing mechanism with the visualization of flowing grains.出版者照会後に全文公

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