Histological and radiological diagnostics of the pulmonary hamartomas


The objective of our study was to compare histological and radiological images of the hamartomas (H) localized in lungs. The analysis consisted of 54 cases, which were diagnosed and operated on in Specialistic Hospital of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases in Rzeszow in years 1999-2005. Average age of patients, mostly men, was 55 years. H was diagnosed accidentally in 75% of cases, and was not related with other diseases. Histologically, cartilaginous or fibro-cartilaginous tissues dominated in H structures; H with adipose tissue component appeared rarely. Diameter of H was less than 3 cm in most of the cases. All H were located peripherally in the chest and showed no preferences to the localization. Computed Tomography demonstrated calcifications in 30% of H. As for etiology, clinical and histological aspects of the H and also differential diagnosis of the radiological features were presented

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