Testing the Impact of Paper Characteristics on a Parameter w of the Lorentz Shaped Point Spread Function


Potpovršinsko raspršenje svjetlosti u papiru (tekstilu ili drugim transparentnim materijalima) ovdje je izračunato u okviru Monte Carlo simulacije, što je kao rezultat dalo funkciju razmazivanja točke (PSF) Lorentzove forme. Papir je bio modeliran s obzirom na različite parametre opisa papira: premazanost, sastav i komponente papira te valne duljine svjetlosti kojom je papir obasjavan. S obzirom na to da je Lorentzova raspodjela parametarska, izračunate su ovisnosti parametra w Lorentzove raspodjele o debljini premaza papira o faktoru asimetrije celuloznih vlakana kao sastavnica papira, te o valnoj duljini svjetlosti koja pada na papir. Pokazalo se da osim celuloznih vlakana ostale komponente papira nemaju utjecaj na parametar w. Rezultati su pokazali da je parametar w manji za premazani papir, za manje asimetrične sastavnice papira i za manju valnu duljinu svjetlosti, što je u ovisnosti koeficijenata apsorpcije, odnosno raspršenja svjetlosti u papiru, i valne duljine svjetlosti.Subsurface scattering of light in paper (fabric or other transparent material) has been calculated in the framework of Monte Carlo simulation, which has given the Lorentz shaped point spread function (PSF) as the result. The paper was modelled with respect to various parameters of the paper description: coating, the composition of paper, and a dependence on the wavelength of the light by which the paper was illuminated. Given the fact that the Lorentz distribution is parametric, the following was calculated: the dependence of the Lorentz distribution parameter w on the thickness of paper coating, on the asymmetry factor of cellulose fibres as a component of paper, and on the wavelength of the light that falls onto the paper. It has been shown that in addition to cellulose fibres, other components of paper have no influence on the parameter w. The results have shown that the parameter w is smaller for coated paper, for less asymmetric components of paper and a smaller wavelength of light, which depends on the absorption coefficients and scattering of light in a paper and on the wavelength of light

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