Dokaz imunoreaktivnosti oreksina A u bubregu noja (Struthio camelus camelus).


Orexin-A (hypocretin-1), a neuropeptide, was originally shown to be specifically expressed in the hypothalamus. We studied the presence of orexin-A immunoreactivity in ostrich kidneys. Immunocytochemistry showed that orexin-A immunoreactivity was localized in the tubules of the ostrich kidneys. Immunoreactivity was found both in the renal cortex and the medulla. Immunostaining was mainly localized in the apical border and lumen of tubules.Neuropeptid oreksin-A (hypokretin-1) izvorno je bio dokazan u hipotalamusu. U ovom je radu njegova imunoreaktivnost istražena u bubregu noja. Imunohistokemijski je dokazana njegova imunoreaktivnost u bubrežnim tubulima. Dokazana je također u kori i srži bubrega. Aktivnost je pretežito bila lokalizirana u apikalnom području i lumenu bubrega

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