Drug induced changes in oral tissue


Nepoželjna djelovanja lijekova koji se koriste u sistemnoj terapiji mogu se manifestirati promjenama u usnoj šupljini. Promjene mogu biti očekivani dio farmakološkog djelovanja lijeka, kao kserostomija koja prati terapiju antikolinergičnih lijekova ili nepoželjni učinak terapije. Nuzefekat može biti posljedica toksičnog djelovanja lijeka, alergijske reakcije ili interferencije s obrambenim snagama organizma. Sistemna terapija može izazvati oštećenja sluznice usne šupljine, hiperplazije, krvarenja, promjene u osjetu okusa, diskoloracije zubi, povećati sklonost zubnom karijesu ili dovesti do otoka parotide.Side efects of drugs for systemic therapy may manifest themselves intraorally. The adverse effects can be a part of expected pharmacological actions of drug, like xerostomia that occurs during the use of anticholinergics or the adverse drug reactions. A side effect can be a toxic reaction, allergic reaction or interference with natural defense mechanisms. Some commonly occuring changes in the tissues of the oral cavity are stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding of the mucous membrane of the mouth, sensitivity of the tongue, gingival hyperplasia, taste disturbances, staining of the teeth, accelerated dental caries or salivary gland enlargement

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