
Gospodarsku vrijednost nekog genotipa (hibrida ili sorte) ne čini samo njegova produktivnost, otpornost na bolesti, sušu, polijeganje itd., već sposobnost da pozitivna svojstva zadrži u različitim okolinskim uvjetima proizvodnje. U prirodi postoji jaka interakcija genotipa i okoline, koju svaki oplemenjivač nastoji procjeniti nakon stvaranja novih genotipova. U 2008. godini, na polju Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, napravljene su 24 nove hibridne kombinacije suncokreta križanjem tri citoplazmatski muško sterilne linije i osam restorer linija. Tijekom 2009. i 2010. godine, postavljeni su poljski pokusi na lokacijama: Beli Manastir (BM09 i BM10), Osijek (Os09 i Os10) i Nova Gradiška (NG09 i NG10), a 2010. pokus je postavljen i u Vukovaru (Vu10). Iz podataka uroda zrna, sadržaja ulja te uroda ulja, za obje godine i sve lokacije (7 okolina), napravljena je analiza varijance (ANOVA) i Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) analiza te AMMI1 i AMMI2 biploti. Hibridi su se značajno razlikovali u urodu zrna, sadržaju ulja i urodu ulja po istraživanim lokacijama i godinama. Prosječno, za sve istraživane hibride u sedam okolina, urod zrna je bio 3,3 t/ha, sadržaj ulja 47,5 %, a urod ulja 1,423 t/ha. Značajno najveći urod zrna i ulja ostvaren je u okolini Os09 (4,220 i 1,831 t/ha), a sadržaj ulja u NG10 (50,6 %). Najveći urod zrna, u sedam okolina, ostvario je hibrid OS-H-4 (3,913 t/ha). Ovaj hibrid je imao i najveći urod ulja (1,721 t/ha). Najveći sadržaj ulja u zrnu suncokreta imao je hibrid OS-H-1 (50,6 %). AMMI analizom uroda zrna, sadržaja ulja i uroda ulja, prve dvije IPCA komponente bile su značajne na razini 0,01, odnosno 0,05, i objašnjavaju 58,5, 73,7 i 60,5 % od ukupne interakcije genotip x okolina. AMMI1 i AMMI2 biploti su pokazali da je hibrid s najvećim urodom zrna i ulja (OS-H-4), ispoljio malu interakciju sa okolinom, odnosno imao je veliku stabilnost, a hibrid koji je imao najveći sadržaj ulja (OS-H-1) imao je veliku interakciju s okolinom, odnosno malu stabilnost. Pored toga, hibridi OS-H-12, OS-H-15 i OS-H-19 ispoljili su dobru stabilnost za urod zrna, OS-H-4, OS-H-7 i OS-H-18 za sadržaj ulja, a OS-H-1, OS-H-9 i OS-H-18 z a urod u lja. O vi h ibridi s u i mali z a s va t ri istraživana svojstva vrijednosti značajno bolje od prosjeka svih okolina.The economic value of a certain genotype (hybrid or variety) is not only his productivity, resistance to diseases, drought, lodging, etc., but the ability to maintain positive properties in different environmental conditions of production. In nature there is a strong interaction between genotype and environment, which every breeder tries to evaluate after the creation of new genotypes. In 2008, in the field of Agricultural Institute Osijek were made 24 new sunflower hybrid combinations by crossing three cytoplasmic male sterile lines and eight restorer lines. During 2009 and 2010, field trials were set up at locations: Beli Manastir (BM09 and BM10), Osijek (Os09 and Os10), Nova Gradiška (NG09 and NG10), and in 2010 the field trial was set up in Vukovar (Vu10). On the data of grain yield, oil content and oil yield, for both years and all locations (7 environments), is performed analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) analysis by the statistical program SAS for Windows 9.1. Also, for analyzed traits are made AMMI1 and AMMI2 biplots by the program IRRISTAT for Windows 5.0. Grain yield, oil content and oil yield were significantly different at the tested locations and years. On average, for all investigated hybrids in seven environments, grain yield was 3.300 t/ha, oil content 47.48 % and oil yield 1.423 t/ha. Significantly the highest grain and oil yield was achieved in an environment Os09 (4.220 and 1.831 t/ha) and oil content in NG10 (50.59 %). The highest grain yield, in seven environments, had a hybrid OS-H-4 (3.913 t/ha). This hybrid had also the highest oil yield (1.721 t/ha). The highest oil content in sunflower grain had a hybrid OS-H-1 (50.58 %). By AMMI analysis of grain yield, oil content and oil yield, the first two IPCA components were significant at the 0.01 or 0.05, and explained 58.5, 73.7 and 60.5% of the total genotype x environment interaction. AMMI1 and AMMI2 biplots showed that the hybrid with the largest grain and oil yield (OS-H-4), showed small interaction with the environment, and had a great stability, and hybrid that had the highest oil content (OS-H-1) had a great interaction with the environment, and small stability. In addition, hybrid OS-H-12, 15 and OS-H 19 have displayed a good stability for grain yield, OS-H-4, 7 and OS-H 18 for oil content, and OS-H-1, OS-H 9 and O S-H 18 for oil yield. These hybrids had all three tested traits significantly better than the average of 7 environments

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