The influence of the type of polymerization upon the discoloration of composites


Na stabilnost kompozita utječe sastav materijala, način polimerizacije, obrada površine, poroznost, izloženost sunčevom svjetlu, prehrana i higi­jena. Jednokomponentni materijal Heliosit i dvokomponentni Isopast pod­vrgnuti su ubrzanom starenju, da bi se metodom spektrofotometrijske refleksije utvrdila sklonost promjeni boje in vitro. Dvokomponentni ma­terijal je potamnio, što je u skladu s kliničkim iskustvom, uz izraženu poroznost. Jednokomponentni materijal je pokazao bolju stabilnost boje, a neki uzorci izbijeljenja zbog nepotpune polimerizacije. Grubo obrađeni uzorci se doimlju svjetlijima, a razlika u promjeni boje između uzorka poliranih na dva različita načina nije opažena.Color stability of composite resin materials is influenced by composition of the material, type of curing, porosity, sunlight exposure, diet, and the oral hygiene. Light cured composite material Heliosit and chemically cured isosit were analysed under conditions of accelerated aging. Differences in color change were established between these two ma­terials using the method of spectrophotometric reflection. Isopast beca­me signifficantly darker and more porous, what is in agreement with clinical experience. Heliosit has shown better color stability, and some samples blanching because of the incomplete polymerisation. The sam­ples with rough surfaces appeared linghter, and the manner of polishing have not caused differencies in color change between analysed samples

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