Prehistoric Pottery from the Jačmica Cave


Pećina Jačmica jedno je od mnogih prapovijesnih nalazišta u Istri. Kao arheološko nalazište prvi je spominje arheolog Alberto Puschi, koji se u 19. stoljeću bavio istraživanjem ove i još nekoliko obližnjih pećina. U razdoblju od 19. srpnja do 5. kolovoza 2004. godine u Jačmici je provedeno arheološko istraživanje, kao dio međunarodnog projekta “Paleolitička i mezolitička nalazišta sjevernog Jadrana”. U ovom radu predstavljena je keramika koja je pronađena tijekom tog istraživanja. Od prepoznatljivih prapovijesnih grupa u pećini su prisutni ulomci impresso, vlaške, danilske i nakovanske keramike te brončanodobne keramike. Vrlo zanimljiv nalaz predstavlja ulomak keramičke pintadere.The Jačmica cave is but one of the many prehistoric sites in Istria. Alberto Puschi, the archaeologist, was the first to mention it within the context of an archaeological site. He explored this cave and a few nearby ones in the 19th century. An archaeological excavation was staged at Jačmica in the period from July 19 to August 5, 2004, as part of an international archaeological project titled “Paleolithic and Mesolithic Sites in the Northern Adriatic”. The pottery that was discovered in the course of those excavations is presented in this work. From recognizable prehistoric groups, fragments of impresso, Vlaška, Danilo and Nakovana pottery were unearthed in the cave, and there was Bronze Age pottery as well. A very interesting find is a fragment of a clay pintadera

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