Antibiotics in dentistry


Važan zadatak stomatologa je da u svom radu suzbija infekciju. Infekcije se iz usne šupijine mogu vrlo brzo raširiti i izazvati oboljenja koja katkada mogu biti i fatalna. U borbi protiv bakterijskih zaraza koriste se antibiotici. Stomatolog treba posegnuti za antibioticima u slučaju: 1) lije­čenja akutne orodentalne zaraze, 2) profilakse subakutnog bakterijskog endokarditisa ili zaštite bolesnika sa smanjenim obrambenim mehanizmi­ma i 3) u svrhu redukcije mikroorganizama u zubnom plaku, koji imaju značajnu ulogu u etiologiji parodontnih bolesti.The control of infection is one of the most important problems in dental office. An oral infection can rapidly spread and produce a severe illness or even become fatal. Antibiotics are antimicrobial agents useful in numerous bacterial in­ fections. There are major uses of antibiotics in the practice of dentistry: 1) treatment of an acute orodental infection, 2) prophylaxis in patients at risk of developing subacute bacterial endocarditis or prophylaxis in patients with compromised host defense mechanisms caused by certain diseases or drug therapy, 3) antiplaque therapy, reduction of microorganisms in dental plaque play an important role in the etiology of periodontal dise­ase

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