Investigation on chemical composition of Trappist type cheese produced from ultrafiltrated milk


Proces ultrafiltracije se već industrijski primjenjuje u svetu pri izradi svježih, mekih i salamurenih sireva, dok je proizvodnja polutvrdih i tvrdih sireva uglavnom u fazi laboratorijskih istraživanja. Cilj naših istraživanja je bio da proučimo mogućnosti proizvodnje sira tipa trapista primjenom procesa ultrafiltracije mlijeka. Proizveli smo ogledne varijante sira trapista i usporedili ih sa kontrolnom varijantom u periodu zrenja od 2 mjeseca.The ultrafiltration has already been applied in world food industry when fresh and soft cheese were concerned, retentate used in semihard and hard cheese production only in laboratory conditions. The aim of this study was to test the possibilities of Trappist cheese manufactrure using the ultrafiltration. Trappist cheese was produced and compared to the control sample during the ripening period of 2 months

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