Dentist’s patient under antineoplastic therapie


Nepoželjna djelovanja antineoplastičnih lijekova očituju se i po promjenama u usnoj šupljini, stoga stomatolog mora poznavati te lijekove, njihov mehanizam djelovanja kao i prevenciju i terapiju oralnih manifestacija tih nepoželjnih djelovanja. Najčešće kliničke promjene u usnoj šupljini su mucositis, lokalne ili generalizirane infekcije i hemoragije. Stomatolog svojim postupcima može znatno ublažiti tegobe pacijenata i omogućiti im kvalitetniji i duži život.The side effects of antineoplastic drugs can be manifest in the oral cavity. Every dentist must be familiar with these grups of drugs and their mechanisms of action and the management of their adverse oral manifestations. The most common oral reactions to administered antineoplastic drugs are: mucositis, local or generalized infections and hemorrhages. The right way in which these manifestations may be handled therapeutically can ensure dentist’s patient a langer life of better quality

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