Tenant Farmers\u27 Economy in the Kornati National Park Protected Area


Budući da se Nacionalni park Kornati prostire na otocima koji su bili u privatnom vlasništvu nasljednika onih koji su kornatski posjed obrađivali u kolonatskom odnosu, a da se o interesima vlasnika nije vodilo računa u izradi prostornih planova, autor se pozabavio ovim specifičnim kolonatskim gospodarstvom u zaštićenom prostoru Nacionalnog parka. Rad je nastao preradom jednog dijela studije izrađene za potrebe izmjene i dopune prostornog plana. Glavni je cilj bio odrediti mjesto i ulogu kolonatskog posjeda u zaštićenom prostoru Nacionalnog parka Kornati, te mjesto i ulogu vlasnika u sustavu zaštite. Međutim , zbog toga jer ovaj problem nije bio predmetom znanstvenih i stručnih istraživanja prilog uglavnom zastaje na identifikaciji >>praznina« koje valja popuniti budućim istraživanjima. Kornatske je otoke isprva zadarska komuna, u čijem su vlasništvu bili, davala u zakup svojim bogatim građanima, a oni su ih opet davali u različite tipove podzakupa svojim kolonima - najčešće stanovnicima Dugog Otoka. Novi koloni, Murterani (stanovnici otoka Murtera, koji su i danas vlasnici gotovo četiri petine površine Kornata) došli su sa svojim stadima na kornatski pašnjak 1627. godine u potrazi za novim životnim prostorom (zbog prenapučenosti matičnog otoka uvjetovane pristizanjem mase prebjega pred Turcima). Bivši su koloni kornatski pašnjak otkupili u tri navrata počam od druge polovice 19. stoljeća, ali su vlasnici plodnih oranica ostali stanovnici Dugog Otoka. Koloni su bili težaci i pastiri bez ikakvih obrtnih i proizvodnih sredstava te potpuno isključeni iz ribolova. Dapače, Kornatari nisu imali domicil na tim otocima nego na matičnom otoku što je uvjetovalo nastanak tzv. prekomorskog, kolonatskog, modela upravljanja posjedom, posebnu arhitekturu, način života za vrijeme boravka na posjedu itd. U međuvremenu posjed je isparceliran i kako je proglašenjem Nacionalnog parka stvorena atmosfera mogućeg njegovog gubitka, autor prikazuje aktualno stanje i zalaže se za zaštitu posebnih interesa vlasnika na način koji neće dovesti u pitanje opći interes i zaštitu prirode.Since the Kornati National Park spreads on the islands which were private property of heirs of the people who used to farm the land on Kornati as tenants, and as the interests of the real proprietors were not taken into consideration in the making of physical plans of the area, the authors of this paper dealt with the specific tenant farmers\u27 economy in the National Park protected area. The paper was made by reworking one part of a study made for the pm·pose of modification and amendments of the physical plan of the area. Its main aim was to define the place and the role of the tenant\u27s land in the National Park Kornati protected area as well as the place and the role of the tenants within the system of protecting. Yet, as this problem has never been the subject matter of scientific and professional researches, this paper remains on the plane of identification of the ••gaps« that need to be filled in through future researches. At first, the commune of Zadar, who was the proprietor of Kornati islands, rented them to its wealthy citizens who then sublet them to their tenant farmers, most often the inhabitants of Dugi Otok island. The new tenant farmers, the inhabitants of the island Murter (who are even today owners of almost four fifths of the Kornati area), in search of a new space to live (as their island become overpopulated because of the massive inflow of refugees escaping from the Turks) brought their flocks to Kornati pasture in 1627. Since the second half of the 19th century the former tenants have three times bought the Kornati pasture back, but the inhabitants of Dugi Otok remained the owners of fertile arable fields. The tenants were farm labourers and herdsmen without any production means and completely excluded from fishing. Moreover, their domicile wasn\u27t on any of Kornati islands but on their home island and that caused the so-called over-seas, tenant\u27s model of land property manageme nt, a specific architecture, the way of living during the stay on the estate etc. In the meantime the estate was parcelled out into small plots and as by the proclamation of the National Park the atmosphere of uncertainty for the property arose, the authors give the account of the present situation pleading the proprietors\u27 particular interests to be protected in a way that will not jeopardize the general interest and the narure protection

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