
In this study, open government is considered within the context of schools and their educational communities, and its broader implications for the future of e-government and e-leadership at schools. The research was conducted in 10 secondary schools in Spain. By means of quantitative and qualitative methodologies we assessed the educational community’s appreciation of the principles of open government and e-leadership applied to schools with the support of ICT. We found that various members who make up educational communities had high expectations for open government policies and principles derived from them –transparency, participation, and collaboration. We further proposed a conceptual framework to guide educational strategies in planning and assessing their open government initiatives. Moreover, we analyzed resources and strategies based on Web 2.0 with the purpose of obtaining the best results for the development of open government through e-leadership.Ovo istraživanje bavi se otvorenom upravom u školama i obrazovnim zajednicama te njezinim širim utjecajem na budućnost e-uprave i e-vodstva u školama. Istraživanje je provedeno u 10 srednjih škola u Španjolskoj te je kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom metodologijom procijenjeno mišljenje edukacijske zajednice o principu otvorene uprave i e-uprave u školama uz potporu informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Ispitivalo se imaju li članovi obrazovne zajednice visoka očekivanja od politike otvorene uprave i principa izvedenih iz nje – transparentnosti, sudjelovanja i suradnje. Nadalje, predložen je konceptualni okvir za edukacijske strategije pri planiranju i ocjenjivanju inicijative otvorene uprave te su analizirani Web 2.0 materijali i strategije, u svrhu postizanja vrhunskih rezultata za razvoj otvorene uprave putem e-uprave

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