Classification of building elements as a function of air permeability measurements


Polazeći od potrebe poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti u zgradama, u članku se kronološki analizira toplinska kvaliteta odabranih elemenata omotača postojećih stambenih zgrada. Temeljem analize odabrani su najznačajniji parametri za klasifikaciju obodnih građevinskih elemenata s ciljem stvaranja kriterija za odabir reperezentativnog uzorka postojećeg stambenog fonda. Postavljena je hipoteza određene zavisnosti odabranih ulaznih faktora i zrakopropusnosti koja se planira dokazati terenskim mjerenjima u nastavku istraživanja. Ukratko se predstavljaju "Blower door" i "Tracer gas" metode mjerenja zrakopropusnosti.Starting from the need to increase energy efficiency of buildings, the thermal quality of selected envelope elements of existing residential buildings is chronologically analyzed in the paper. Following this analysis, the most significant parameters for classification of boundary building elements are selected, in order to establish criteria for selection of a representative sample of the existing housing stock. The hypothesis of a dependence between the input factors selected and the airtightness is proposed, and the "Blower door" and "Tracer gas" methods for airtightness measurement are presented

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