The Condition of Tooth Hard Tissue Among Workers in the Battery Manufactory


U radu je pregledano sto ispitanika. Pedeset ispitanika radi u tvornici akumulatora (akumulatorskim stanicama), u pogonima zatvorenog tehnološkog procesa formiranja akumulatorskih ploča, a 50 ih je sačinjavalo kontrolnu grupu. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi stanje tvrdih zubnih tkiva kod radnika u akumulatorskim stanicama. U tu svrhu ispitivana je prevalencija erozija, prevalencija karijesa, stupanj oralne higijene i stanje gingive. Kod ispitanika nisu nađene klinički vidljive erozivne promjene (rade u zatvorenom tehnološkom procesu formiranja akumulatorskih ploča), što je znak poboljšanja radnih uvjeta, kretanja koncentracije para sumporne kiseline u granicama dopuštenih vrijednosti (1-1,75 mg/m3), te provođenja osobne zaštite na radu (grupa I. - 92%, grupa II. - 68%). Porast karijesa značajan je kod ispitanika koji rade puno radno vrijeme (grupa II.) u odnosu na one koji rade pola radnog vremena (grupa L), kao i na one koji ne rade u tim radnim uvjetima (kontrolna grupa). To može biti znak da duža izloženost nepovoljnim uvjetima (atmosferi s kiselinskim parama) predstavlja mogući predisponirajući faktor većoj osjetljivosti zuba na karijesnu demineralizaciju, uzročenu vanjskim faktorima. Kod ispitanika koji su radili puno radno vrijeme, nađeno je više zubnog kamenca i više upalnih promjena na gingivi, što se može dovesti u vezu s lošijom oralnom higijenom u toj grupi. U vezi s time, potrebno je kod radnika koji rade u akumulatorskim stanicama (tvornicama akumulatora) provoditi preventivne mjere fluoridacije zubi, posvetiti posebnu pažnju zdravstvenom prosvjećivanju i češćoj kontroli.In this work 100 people were examined. Half o f them work in the battery stations (of battery manufactory), in the departments with closed technological process o f forming battery plates. Other half of the examined sample was a control group. The aim o f this work is to indicate the condition o f tooth hard tissue among workers in the battery manufactory. For this purpose, prevalence o f erosion and caries, stage of oral hygiene and the state of gingiva were examined. No clinically visible erosion changes were found at workers. This may be due to better working conditions (they work in close technological process o f forming battery plates), fluctuation o f the concentration o f sulphuric acid within tolerable (acceptable) values (1-1,75 mg/m3), as well as to carrying out selfprotection at work (1st group - 92%, 2nd group - 68%). The increase o f caries is significant among examinees working full time (2nd group) in comparison to those working only half time (1st group), as well as to those who were not working under the same conditions (control group). It could be the sign o f longer exposure to unfavourable conditions (acid vapourisedlsaturated atmosphere) and presents possible predisposing factor to the greater sensitivity of teeth to the caries demineralization, caused by the external factors. Among examinees, working full time, much more tartar is found and more inflamatory changes on the gingiva. That can be brought into relation with poorer oral hygiene in the group. Because o f that, it is necessary to carry out prevention measures with teeth fluoridation among those working in the battery stations (battery manufactories). Special stress should be given to health education and more frequent check up

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