Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Some Dental Alloys


U svrhu izravne usporedbe, provedeno je ispitivanje citotoksičnosti i genotoksičnosti nekih legura koje su u učestaloj uporabi u stomatologiji. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo kobalt-kromne, zlatnoplatinske legure i samarij-kobaltne magnete, čiji su pripravci bili valjkasta oblika, dimenzija 3,0 x 6,85 mm, pripravljeni po uputama proizvođača. U pokusima “in vitro” korištena je kvasnica Saccharomyces cerevisiae D7, dok su ”in vivo” pokusi obavljeni na eksperimentalnim životinjama, albino-štakorima. Ispitivanje citotoksičnosti obuhvatilo je kinetiku diobe stanica gljivice i koloniformnost u mediju rasta oko uloženog pripravka legure. Ispitivanje genotoksičnosti obuhvatilo je istraživanje mutagenosti legura u izravnom dodiru sa stanicama, kao i mikronukleus-test. Rezultati su testirani analizom varijance. Istraživanje citotoksičnosti i genotoksičnosti pokazalo je male razlike među ispitivanim legurama, koje nisu statistički značajne, kako u ”in vitro”, tako i u ”in vivo” pokusima. Rizik uporabe različitih legura u stomatologiji, te neka nesuglasja glede biokompatibilnosti i odabira eksperimentalnih modela, opravdavaju daljnja istraživanja na tome području.Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of some alloys widely used in dentistry were studied for direct comparison. The study included cobalt-chromium and gold-platinum alloys, and samarium-cobalt magnets. Cylindrical preparations were sized 3.0 x 6.85 mm and cast according to manufacturers ’ instructions. In in vitro studies, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast was used, whereas in vivo experiments were conducted in experimental albino rats. The study of cytotoxicity included kinetics of the fungal cell division and colony formation in the growth medium around the embedded alloy preparation. The study of genotoxicity included mutagenicity of the alloys in direct contact with the cells, and the micronucleus test. Results were tested by the analysis of variance. The study of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity showed minor differences between the alloys, which did not reach statistical significance in either in vitro or in vivo experiments. The risk of the use of various alloys in dentistry and a controversy about their biocompatibility and choice of experimental models, appear to justify further studies in the field

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