The Architectonics of Miroslav Begović


Istaknuti hrvatski arhitekt i sveučilišni profesor Miroslav Begović (1925. – 2004.) autor je većeg broja projektiranih i sagrađenih zgrada, unutarnjih uređenja, teoretskih rasprava i uredničkih izdanja. Begovićeva arhitektonika prezentirana je s nekoliko odabranih projekata: Izložbeni paviljon u Zagrebu, Galerija naivne umjetnosti u Hlebinama, Moderna galerija u Zagrebu, Atelijer Ivana Meštrovića u Zagrebu, Trgovačka kuća Varteks u Zagrebu, Trgovačka kuća Varteks u Varaždinu, Stambeno-poslovni blok Tkalčićeva – Radićeva ulica u Zagrebu, Hotel Eden u Rovinju. Razmatranjem arhitektonskih spoznaja navedenih djela moguće je sagledati Begovićevo razumijevanje graditeljske baštine i stvaralačke interpretacije recentnih arhitektonskih saznanja u okviru teza regionalizma, mimikrije, dihotomije, metabolizma, kinetike, biomorfologije i homocentrizma.Influential Croatian architect and university professor Miroslav Begović (1925 - 2004) was the author of a great number of planned and constructed buildings, interior designs, theoretical discussions and editorial publishings. Begović’s architectonics are presented through a few selected projects: the Exhibition Pavilion in Zagreb, the Gallery of Naïve Art in Hlebine, the Modern Gallery in Zagreb, Atelier Ivan Meštrović in Zagreb, Varteks department stores in Zagreb and Varaždin, the Tkalčićeva- Radićeva residential-commercial block in Zagreb, Hotel Eden in Rovinj. An observation of the architectural conceptions of these works makes visible Begović’s understanding of architectural heritage and creative interpretation of recent architectural discoveries within the framework of the theses of regionalism, mimicry, dichotomy, metabolism, kinetics, biomorphology and homocentrism

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