Doses of Fluorides in the Prevention of Caries


Fluoridi su važna sredstva u prevenciji karijesa. Međutim, kao i drugi lijekovi mogu uz svoj poželjni preventivni (terapijski učinak) izazvati i neke neželjene učinke poput fluoroze zubi. Granica između korisnih učinaka i prvih toksičnih reakcija je mala, te se količine fluorida koje se unose u organizam moraju precizno odrediti. Pravilnim doziranjem i odgovarajućim mjerama opreza moguće je izbjeći neželjene učinke i tako iskoristiti dokazanu djelotvornost fluorida u prevenciji karijesa.Fluorides are important means in the prevention o f caries. However, as other medications, apart from the desired therapeutic effect, they can cause certain undesired effects, such as dental fluorosis. The orderline between useful effects and the first toxic reaction is small, and therefore the amount of fluorides taken into the organism must be accurately determined. By correct dosing and adequate measures of precaution it is possible to avoid such undesired effects and thus utilize the verified effectiveness of fluorides in the prevention of caries

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