
Obzirom na specifičnosti odbojke logičan je značajan utjecaj pojedinih morfoloških karakteristika na uspjeh u igri. Morfološkom antropometrijom može se prikupiti dio informacija za primarnu selekciji kandidata za odbojku, ali i informacije koje se mogu koristiti u sekundarnoj selekciji - specijalizaciji tj. odreðivanju specifičnih igračkih uloga sa specifičnim igraèkim zadacima. Zadaci su karakteristični za svaku igraèku poziciju pa je i važnost pojedinih morfoloških mjera različita. Cilj istraživanja je da se kroz analizu antropometrijskih karakteristika provjeri znaèajnost razlika s obzirom na specifične igračke uloge. Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku 60 prvoligaška odbojkaša (n=60) èlanova prve hrvatske i slovenske odbojkaške lige u natjecateljskoj sezoni 2007/2008. Obzirom na cilj istraživanja igrači su podijeljeni u skupine sukladno svojoj igraèkoj ulozi: dizaèi (n=9), centralni igrači (n=13), primaèi – napadači (n=16), korektori (n=16) i libero (n=6). Uzorak varijabli èini 27 antropometrijskih mjera , a mjerenje je izvršeno prema preporukama IBP-a. Na manifesnom skupu antropometrijskih varijabli primijenjena je metoda glavnih komponenata kako bi se utvrdila struktura latentnog prostora. Neortogonalnom rotacijom prema kriteriju varimax normalized transformiran je inicijalni koordinatni sustav da bi se dobila jednostavna struktura faktora. Potom su izračunati faktorski skorovi ispitanika te aritmetičke sredine skupina u standardiziranim vrijednostima. Znaèajnost razlika izmeðu skupina odbojkaša razlièitih igraèkih pozicija testirana je ANOVOM (Tukey HSD post – hoc testom). Dobiveni rezultati potvrðuju hipotezu o postojanju znaèajnih razlika u prostoru antropometrijskih karakteristika izmeðu skupina odbojkaša različitih igračkih uloga koja je potvrðena u nizu prethodnih istraživanja. Faktor LDS identificiran je kao jedini na kojem se igraèke skupine značajno razlikuju. Skupina centralnih igraèa postigla je značajno više rezultate od svih ostalih osim skupine korektora. Dobivene informacije mogu poslužiti kao normativne vrijednosti te kao podrška u usmjeravanju igrača prema odreðenoj igračkoj ulozi u cilju optimiziranja njihove situacijske učinkovitosti te postizanju optimalnih takmičarskih rezultata u sportskoj karijeri.Regard to specificity of volleyball game considerable effect of certain morphological characteristics on the success of the game is logical. Using morphological anthropometry it is possible to collect informations for primary selection of candidates for volleyball, but also informations that could be used in the secondary selection - so called specialization. Specialization determinates specific playing roles with specific assignments for each player. Assignments are typical for each playing role so the importances of certain morphological measures are different. The aim of this study was to examine the positional differences in the area of anthropometric characteristics of Croatian and Slovenian premier league volleyball players. The research was conducted on a 60 senior volleyball players all members of Croatian and Slovenian premier league. Players were categorized as setters (n=9), receivers – attackers (n=16), diagonal players – correctors (n=16), central players (n = 13) and liberos (n=6). The sample of variables consisted of 27 anthropometric measures all taken following the guidance of the IBP. The factorization of the variables was conducted using the factor analysis. Using Varimax normalized rotation initial coordinative system were transformed to obtain simple structure of the factors. According the Guttmann Kaiser criterion four significant factors were extracted. Factor scores are calculated for each respondent and each categorized group on each extracted factor. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey HSD post-hoc test was used to determine possible significant differences among positions on four extracted factors. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Obtained results confirm the hypothesis of the existence of significant differences in the area of anthropometric characteristics considering positional roles. LDS (Longitudinal dimensionality factor) was identified as the only that significantly differ the groups of volleyball players. A group of central players achieved significantly higher results than all the other groups except the group of diagonal players. The research results indicate that the morphological characteristics of tested groups of volleyball players are similar to those of the other volleyball leagues or national teams which points to valuable potential of tested players. It is interesting that there was no significant difference between the central and diagonal players and the fact is that in most serious volleyball teams central and diagonal players really are the highest ones. This is logical considering the specific assignments of these players during one volleyball match. Obtained informations may serve as a normative values as well as a support in directing players to a specific playing role in order to optimize their situational effectiveness finally reaching an optimal competition results in a sports career

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