The Effects of C 02 and Nd:YAG Lasers on Periodontal Tissue in the Furcations of Molars


C 02 i Nd:YAG laseri najčešće su rabljeni laseri u stomatologiji i u medicini. Zbog atraumatskog i djelotvornoga rezanja mekih tkiva laser se može, između ostalog, rabiti za pulpotomiju mliječnih i trajnih mladih zuba. Svrha rada bila je istražiti učinak tih dvaju lasera, čije su energetske vrijednosti dostatne za ablaciju mekih tkiva, na parodontno tkivo tijekom pulpotomije laserom. Eksperiment je izvršen na psima mješancima teškim oko 25 kg. Životinje su anestezirane pentobarbitalom, trepanirane su pulpne komore molara, a pulpno tkivo je uklonjeno ekskavatorom te učinjena namjerna trepanacija dna pulpne komore. Parodontno tkivo u furkacijskom području obasjano je C 02 (2 W /1 0 ms / 5x/s) i Nd.YAG (2W / 20 pps) laserskom zrakom tijekom 3 s. Na histološkim pripravcima, učinjenim 30 odnosno 45 dana nakon obradbe, vidi se površinska nekroza kosti, upalna infiltracija, fragmentacija koštanih lamela. Prvi znakovi cijeljenja koštane strukture javljaju se kod C 02 lasera 45 dana nakon obasjavanja stvaranjem novoga koštanog matriksa, osteoida. Nd.YAG laser dublje prodire u tkivo i uzrokuje opsežnije promjene te i 45 dana nakon obradbe tim laserom nije opazeno da parodontna rana zacjeljuje.CO2 and Nd. YAG lasers are the most commonly used in medicine and dentistry. Due to atraumatic and efficient cutting of the soft tissue they can be used for pulpotomy o f deciduous and young permanent teeth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of these two lasers with energy parameters used for abblation o f soft tissues on the incidently irradiated periodontal tissue during pulpotomy.Mixed breed dogs weighing 25 kg were used for experiments. The animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital. Pulp chambers of molars were opened and pulp tissues removed with a sharp spoon. The floor of the pulp chamber was penetrated intentionally with a water cooling low speed steel bur. Periodontal tissue of the furcation region was irradiated with C 02 (2 W / 1 0 ms / 5x/s) i Nd. YAG (2W/ 20 pps) lasers for 3 s. Histological analysis made 30 and 45 days after treatment revealed superficial necrosis of bone, inflammatory infiltration and fragmentation of bone trabeculae. The first signs of bone healing appeared 45 days after treatment with the C 02 laser as formation of new bone matrix, osteoid. Nd. YAG laser penetrates deeper into bone tissue and causes more severe changes. Thus 45 days after lasing the bone with it there were no signs of healing

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