Prava prevalencija rezistentne hipertenzije (RH) nije poznata. Temeljem studija može se zaključiti da je prisutna u 10-15% pacijenata prethodno liječenih zbog hipertenzije, što je veliki broj bolesnika. RH se definira nemogućnošću postizanja vrijednosti krvnog tlaka (KT) koje su ispod ciljnih (za opću populaciju 140/90 mm Hg for the general population and >130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes or kidney disease. Prior to diagnosing a patient as having RH, it is important to document medication compliance and exclude white-coat hypertension, inaccurate BP measurement, and secondary causes.
The role of aldosterone in RH has gained increasing recognition. There is strong evidence for the use of spironolactone as a highly effective antihypertensive agent. Aldosterone plays a signiicant role in RH pathogenesis, primarily due to its vasoconstrictive effects and the possibility of altering vascular compliance. In RH, there is a high prevalence of cardiac and extra-cardiac target organ damage. It is known that BP control in chronic kidney disease is the key factor for reducing cardiovascular risk and renal disease progression. The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of RH in predialysis nondiabetic (CKD stage I-IV)