The Influence of Selected Parameters on the Inclination of the Maxillary Permanent Canine during Eruption


Gornjem očnjaku, što se anatomskoga položaja u čeljusti tiče, te funkcijskih i estetskih karakteristika, pripada posebno mjesto u ravnoteži stomatognatog sustava. U ovome se je radu željelo ispitati ispravljanje očnjaka tijekom nicanja, te učinak meziodistalnog promjera krune gornjega postra- ničnog sjekutiča, širine aperture piriformis, te indeksa glave i lica u tome procesu. Uzorak je obuhvaćao ortopantomograme 600 ispitanika u dobi od 7-12 godina. Iz rezultata proizlazi da kut inklinacije maksilarnog očnjaka raste s porastom dobi, te da je veći u djevojčica. Učinak meziodistalne dimenzije gornjega postraničnog sjekutiča na inklinaciju očnjaka nađena je samo na lijevoj strani čeljusti. Nije nađena povezanost inklinacije očnjaka s ostalim ispitivanim parametrima.Due to its anatomic position in the jaw, and its functional and aesthetic characteristics, the upper canine plays a significant role in the equilibrium of the stomatognathic system.. The aim of this study was to investigate the straightening of the inclination of the canine during eruption and the influence of the mesiodistal dimension of crowns of the upper lateral incisors, of the distance between apertura piriformis and facial and head indexes in this process. The sample consisted of 600 orthopanthomograms of subjects aged between 7 and 12 years. The results showed that the angle of the maxillary canines inclination increased with age, and that was greater in girls than in boys. The influence of the mesiodistal diameter of lateral maxillary incisors on inclination angle was found only on the left side. No connection was found between change in the inclination angle and other examined variables

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