God and immortality - second and third most important issue


Autor u ovom članku sagledava pitanje o Bogu i pitanje o čovjekovoj besmrtnosti kao čovjekovo drugo i treće najvažnije pitanje. Pitanje o čovjekovoj sreći smatra prvim i najvažnijim. Prema njegovu shvaćanju sva tri pitanja međusobno se prožimlju, ne isključujući se. Bez vjere u objavljenog Boga i vjerovanja u vlastitu besmrtnost čovjek neće moći doživjeti najdublju i najpotpuniju sreću. Stoga se ovo izlaganje isključivo tiče eshatološkog vremena i budućnosti. Posljedica činjenice, međutim, da čovjek postmoderne ne pridaje važnost navedenim pitanjima, jest da je on nesretno umjesto sretno biće. Osvrtom na Westergaardove karikature autor jasno pokazuje koliko su ova tri navedena pitanja, uz pitanje o Muhamedu, danas iznimno važna za islamskog čovjeka.In this article the author is dealing with the issue of God and the issue of human immortality as the man’s second and third most important issue. He finds that the issue of man’s happiness is the first and most important issue. As he sees it, all three issues mutually permeate, and do not mutually exclude. Without faith in God revealed and in his own immortality, man will not be able to experience the deepest and most complete happiness. Therefore, this paper is exclusively concerned with eschatological time and the future. However, the consequence of the fact that the post-modern man does not attach importance to the mentioned issues, is that instead he is happy, he is an unhappy being. Making reference to Westergaard’s cartoons, the author clearly shows how these three issues, including the issue of Mohammed, are extremely important today for the Islamic man

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