Facts and mistakes about milk and dairy products in human nutrition


Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi - hrana za koju smo sigurni daje dobro poznajemo. Ali, je li to istina? Ovo je često pitanje potrošača, ali i prehrambenih stručnjaka. Zašto? Sve je više stručnjaka i "stručnjaka " koji pišu o korisnom i štetnom djelovanju mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehrani. Njihova suprotna stajališta posljedica su jednostranog promatranja vrlo složenog područja - prehrane. Svaki stručnjak proučava mlijeko samo sa svog stajališta i zbog toga daje ograničene zaključke. Na primjer - proučavanje djelovanja jednog nutrijenta u mliječnoj hrani, kao što je mast na nivo lipida u krvi, važno je za upoznavanje mehanizma učinka i odgovora, ali ima malu praktičnu vrijednost. Uhrani kompleksne interakcije između nutrijenata mogu promijeniti utjecaj pojedinog nutrienta na nivo lipida u krvi. Upravo s tog stajališta promatrana je u ovomu radu uloga mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehrani.Milk and dairy products - food for which we are sure that is well known. But is that true? This is today the frequent question of the consumers or even of the nutrition experts. Why? Probably because there are more and more experts and »experts« writing about the beneficial or harmful role of milk and milk products in human nutrition. Unfortunately their statements are frequently controversial. How is this possible? Most likely this is the consequence of limited treating such a complex field as the nutrition is. Milk is studied by each expert from his point of view furthermore the information are in general only partial. For example - studies of the effects of single nutrients such as specific fats in dairy foods on blood lipid levels are important for identifying mechanisms underlying observed responses, but are of little practical relevance. In wholefoods, complex interactions occur among nutrients which can modify the impact of a single nutrient on blood lipid levels. From this point of view the milk and milk products are discussed

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