Waste Management System with Regard to the Bjelovar-Bilogora County


Otpad je jedan od ključnih problema moderne civilizacije i rezultat našeg načina života. Stvaranjem sve većih količina otpada čovjek znatno narušava prirodnu ravnotežu, stoga je pitanje saniranja odlagališta otpada i uopće njegova adekvatnog zbrinjavanja u samom vrhu prioriteta, jer se na takav način smanjuje zagađenje okoliša. Neodgovarajuće gospodarenje otpadom uzrok je sve zagađenijeg okoliša u Republici Hrvatskoj. Količina otpada stalno raste, a infrastruktura, koja bi taj otpad trebala zbrinuti, nije dostatna. Sustav gospodarenja otpadom ne funkcionira u potpunosti, a propisi koji utvrđuju gospodarenje otpadom ne provode se u cijelosti. Hoće li izmjene Zakona o otpadu dovesti do poboljšanja općeg stanja ili će se problem još više produbiti te kako se s tim nose manje sredine? - najčešća su pitanja struke i znanosti. U radu je prikazan plan sustava gospodarenja otpadom u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji te analiza zacrtanih ciljeva.Waste represents one of the key problems of the modern civilization; it is a result of the today way of life. By collecting bigger and bigger quantities of waste, people disturb the natural balance to a high extent; hence, one of the priorities in reducing the pollution of the environment is choosing the right approach to solving the waste problem. Inadequate waste management is the most serious ecological problem in the Republic of Croatia. The quantities of waste constantly grow, and the infrastructure responsible for waste disposal is insufficient. Neither does the waste management system function in full nor is the waste management legislation properly implemented. Both profession and science often wonder whether the amendments to the Waste Act will result in a better general state or will the problem become even more serious, as well as how smaller communities deal with this issue. The paper will present the planned waste management system in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County and an analysis of the set goals

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