Luke near Škrip on the island of Brač - new archaeological finds


Luke su jedan od površinom najvećih i nalazima najbogatijih antičkih lokaliteta na otoku Braču. Arheološka istraživanja na tom lokalitetu do sada nisu obavljena, a lokalitet je u više navrata pregledan. Lokalitet je poznat od 1899. godine kada je na njemu pronađen žrtvenik posvećen Jupiteru Dolihenu. U radu se opisuju nalazi pronađeni u proljeće 2003. godine koji se datiraju od 1. do 5. st. po. Kr.Luke is one of the largest and richest classical Antiquity sites on the island of Brač. there have been no archaeological excavations, but several field surveys have been conducted at the site. The site has been known since 1899, when an altar stone dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus was unearthed. the article describes the artefacts found in the spring of 2003. The artefacts were dated to the period from the first to the fifth century

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