Characterisation of Proteolysis Profile of Argentinean Sheep Cheeses Made by Two Different Production Methods


U radu su proučeni profili proteolize u argentinskom ovčjem siru napravljenim dvjema metodama proizvodnje kako bi se dobile tipične i definirane karakteristike. Proizvedeni su sirevi s mikrobnom kulturom Streptococcus thermophilus (S-sirevi) i sirevi s miješanom mikrobnom kulturom Streptococcus thermophilus i Lactobacillus bulgaricus (L-sirevi). Sirevi su dozrijevali na 12oC i 80% relativne vlažnosti kroz 180 dana i uzorci su uzimani tijekom tog vremenskog razdoblja. Rezultati pokazuju određene sličnosti ali i razlike, posebice u pH vrijednosti, dok je senzorska analiza pokazala bitne razlike između te dvije vrsta sireva. S-sirevi imaju niži stupanj proteolize i blaži okus, što ih čini prikladnim za konzumaciju nakon kratkog vremena dozrijevanja. L-sirevi imaju viši stupanj proteolize, te puno izraženija senzorska svojstva, što ih čini prikladnim za konzumaciju nakon duljeg vremena dozrijevanja.In this work the proteolysis profile of Argentinean sheep cheeses made by two production methods were studied in order to develop products with typical and defined features. Cheeses with a starter of Streptococcus thermophilus, (S-cheeses) and cheeses with a mixed starter of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, (L-cheeses) were manufactured. The cheeses were ripened at 12oC and 80% relative humidity for 180 days and samples were taken throughout this period. Results show similarities but also some differences, especially in pH value, while sensory evaluation indicated important differences between the two types of cheeses. S-cheeses had a low proteolysis and soft flavor, making them appropriate for consumption after a short ripening time. L-cheeses had a higher proteolysis level and more intense sensory characteristics, making them appropriate for consumption after a longer ripening time

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